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from the Momentum Team

Customizing AI Call Note Routes
March 3, 2024

Customizing AI Call Note Routes

In this article, we’ll explain how to configure Momentum to ensure calls are routed to the right Slack channels for each department.

Momentum's no-code engine makes it easy to customize workflows for different use cases. With Momentum, you can route sales calls to different Slack channels for CSMs, SDRs, and Sales Reps to ensure everyone gets the information they need quickly and easily.

In this article, we’ll explain how to configure Momentum to ensure calls are routed to the right Slack channels for each department.

First, log in to Momentum and navigate to “Settings” on the left-hand menu. Scroll down to “AI Calls” and select “New AI Call Notification”. Here you can customize different parameters based on your team's needs.

Our main focus will be on the Objects and Conditions section:

To appropriately separate the different types of calls that your team has every day, we'll need to write conditions that separate Accounts and Opportunities between the many types of calls your team has. The way these conditions are written will vary depending on your CRM's data and structure. For example, you may need a condition that states, “if Account customer type is Active Customer,” then route to Slack channel #csm-calls. You can also set up different routing rules for SDRs and Sales Reps as well.

Here are some common use cases you may want to consider:

Case 1: route Sales East Coast team's calls to the #east-coast-sales channel

Case 2: route CSM team's calls to the #csm-calls channel

Case 3: route SDR team's calls to the #sdr-calls channel

Case 4: send a sales rep and their direct manager notes for any pricing/negotiation calls

Considerations for CSM and post-close calls

Regarding CSM and post-closed calls, there is a special consideration to remember when you write your filters: closed-won opps tend to co-exist with open opportunities for that same account (renewals or expansion deals that may have been automatically created upon closing).

To accommodate this, we recommend setting up an account-level field to capture customer status. Here's an example:

Write multiple routes! That's where the magic lies.

It's important to point out that Momentum allows you to write separate AI Calls pipelines that will analyze and post these summaries for you, which means you can support all cases simultaneously. Many of our customers set up processing and posting for the same call twice, with different analysis components and destinations (e.g., MEDDICC suggestions via DM, call summary via public message).

Once you have written out your conditions, it's time to configure the Slack channels for each condition. Click “Add Slack Channel” for each condition and select the appropriate Slack channel from the dropdown menu.

Once you’ve written your conditions, you can select which Slack channels they should be routed to and save your settings. This can be done from the "Slack Notification" section in your AI Calls wizard:

Now, you are all set up. Every time a call is routed to the respective Slack channels, Momentum will provide the necessary data regarding customer information, notes from the call, and MEDDICC or other field extractions. By using Momentum to automatically route calls to different Slack channels for CSMs, SDRs, and sales reps you can ensure everyone gets the information they need quickly and easily. With this simple configuration, you are one step closer to streamlining your sales process!

We hope this article has helped you understand how to configure Momentum for routing calls to different Slack channels. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out! We look forward to hearing from you.

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