Momentum allows you to integrate with Gong quickly and easly, giving Momentum access to your team's calls without any changes to your call recording workflows.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to enable our Gong integration directly from Slack. By following these steps, users can seamlessly integrate Gong into their Momentum workspace, allowing for a 1-click setup of Momentum AI for your whole team.
The steps are very simple. From any Slack channel, just type /configure which will display the "Configure Integrations with Momentum" Slash command. That will open Momentum Integrations Slack menu.

Simply, click on Authorize and that will open a new Browser tab so you can complete the authentication flow on

Please note that you need to be at least Gong Technical Administrator to authorize Momentum access to your account.
To find out the Gong Technical Administrator, you can go to as shown in the screenshot: