Momentum allows you to integrate with Google Calendar so you can stay one step ahead on your Sales meetings.
The steps are very simple. From any Slack channel, just type /integr which will display the "Configure Integrations with Momentum" Slash command:

That will open Momentum Integrations Slack menu. Simply, click on Authorize next to Google Calendar and that will open a new Browser tab so you can complete the authentication flow on Google Calendar as shown below:

Once you click on Allow, the following screen will confirm that you are good to go:
There are cases where you may need to re-install the integration. In order to do so, just type /integr from any Slack channel which will display the "Configure Integrations with Momentum" Slash command:

Then click on "Sign Out" from your Google Calendar integration:
And finally, remove Momentum from your Google Account Authorized apps and permissions, you can do so on
Then you will be able to follow the authentication steps at the top of this article in order to re-authenticate your Google Calendar.